
Collage of past events poster
Philosophy Café

Philosophy Café

A friendly space for exploring diverse viewpoints, the Philosophy Café aims to facilitate genuine dialogue, mutual understanding, and self-reflection among the Salisbury community.

The Café is free and open to the public. It meets once a month during the school year, with a new question for every session. It is sponsored by the Philosophy Department and moderated by Philosophy Department faculty.

For school year 2024-2025, the Café is meeting on the second Saturday of the month (August-December 2024, February-May 2025), 9.30-11am, at the Newton Street Community Center, 306 Newton St, Salisbury.

Questions from past meetings include:

  • Can we really understand each other?
  • What, if anything, separates a human from a machine?
  • Do we need religion for spirituality?
  • Does one’s worth depend on their contribution to society?
  • Does true love exist?
  • Would the world be better without suffering?
  • Is nature inherently valuable?
  • What makes something authentic?
  • Can we reinvent ourselves?

Contact Dr. Yujia Song (ysong@salisbury.edu) to learn more - or suggest questions you want to discuss at the Café.

Philosophy Café Group Photo