Salisbury University students on campus

成人抖阴Faculty and Staff Researchers

Salisbury University is deeply committed to supporting the research activities of faculty and staff. The IRB Committee on Human Subjects Research upholds this commitment by overseeing the review and approval of all research involving human subjects undertaken by faculty, staff, and students. As you plan and prepare for your research protocols, please review the resources provided below.

Faculty Research

Getting Started

Considerations for Protocols

For Faculty/Staff Supervising Student Research

For Faculty/Staff Conducting Research with Student Records

All research involving student records from Salisbury University should be approved through the University Registrar prior to IRB review. IRB protocols requiring access to 成人抖阴student data must include a letter of support and acknowledgement from the University Registrar.

Required Training

Federal Regulations and Salisbury University policy require investigators (students, faculty, and staff) to undergo human subject research training to ensure the protection of research subjects.

成人抖阴Researchers must complete the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) before their protocol is approved.

*Salisbury University will accept other human subject research trainings (ie. National Institute of Health Training), but training confirmation and certificates must be provided for review.

IRB Templates, & Resources

Salisbury University’s Institutional Review Board on Human Research (IRB) has provided researchers with sample templates and forms to assist them as they are developing their research protocol applications.