Canvas Faqs for Instructors
Learn a lot about MyClasses Canvas with the following Instructor Frequently Asked Questions. If you don't find an answer you need - search the Canvas Instructor Guides or contact ID&D by email or by phone at 410-677-6585.
Basic Overview
- 1. Why does 成人抖阴call Canvas, MyClasses?
- 2. When are courses created in MyClasses?
- 3. I have a cross-listed course or multiple sections of the same course, can these be combined?
- 4. Do I have to use MyClasses for my course?
- 5. When are students added to courses in MyClasses?
- 6. When do students have access to courses?
- 7. If I publish my course before the term start date, will students have access to the course?
- 9. How do I customize the courses on my Dashboard? How do I locate all of MyCourses?
- 10. How can I receive training and assistance on MyClasses Canvas?
Getting Started
Course Management
- 1. How do I give a student extra time on a quiz?
- 2. How do I give a student an extra attempt to a quiz?
- 3. Can students access files within the Files area?
- 4. How can I assign different due dates for a graded activity?
- 5. How do I hide grade statistics from students?
- 6. I plan on using other methods to calculate the students' final grades. How can I hide the totals in the MyClasses gradebook from students?
- 7. How do I allow attachments in discussions?
- 8. How do I restrict students from commenting on my Announcements?