
Guerrieri Academic Commons arial view from front entrance.

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity, inclusion, and equity are priorities for the 成人抖阴Libraries.

Statement of Diversity & Inclusion

The staff of the Salisbury University Libraries welcomes, supports, and appreciates all 成人抖阴students, faculty, staff, and visitors. We recognize and celebrate the differences in background, abilities, experiences, characteristics, identity, and thought that make each person unique and that enrich our campus, community, and nation. At the same time, we acknowledge that which unites us: our basic humanity and the search for knowledge that is central to Salisbury University’s mission. We are committed to providing services, collections, and programs that promote affirmation, respect, inclusion, and understanding.

Diversity and Inclusion Plan, 2023-2026

The 成人抖阴Libraries formed a Diversity & Inclusion Task Force in 2017. The primary goal of the task force was to draft a diversity and inclusion plan. After the task force accomplished its goal of creating the statement and plan, the 成人抖阴Libraries formed a standing committee on Diversity and Inclusion to ensure that the plan is accomplished and updated as needed. We're now on our third plan, which was approved by the 成人抖阴Libraries Department Heads and covers 2023-2026.

Read the 成人抖阴Libraries Diversity & Inclusion Plan 

Diversity & Inclusion Committee Members

Additional Resources

If you’re interested in learning more about diversity and inclusion efforts within the library or about the topic more generally, please visit our Diversity and Inclusion Resources for Curricula Guide. This guide was created by the Social Justice, Equity, and Teaching Transformation Faculty Learning Community (SETT-成人抖阴FLC) and Angeline Prichard, Research & Instructional Librarian. SETT-成人抖阴FLC is made up of faculty members from various departments across campus who share an interest in learning how to effectively teach topics of diversity and implement pedagogical choices that respect and affirm diversity in our classrooms.