
Guerrieri Academic Commons arial view from front entrance.

Request Instruction

The Libraries welcome 成人抖阴course instructors and community members to collaborate with 成人抖阴Librarians to plan innovative workshops and instructional sessions.

Library liaisons are happy to work with 成人抖阴course instructors to revise course assignments, help incorporate information literacy (IL) learning outcomes into a course, and teach library instructional workshops and sessions on finding, evaluating, and using information resources.

Interested in requesting an instructional workshop or session for your course? Great! We look forward to hearing from you. Before contacting a librarian, please review the following considerations and procedures.

Session Details

Instruction should focus on a specific research assignment. A copy of the research assignment itself should be shared with the librarian, along with any additional information (course syllabus, rubric, etc.) that the course instructor can provide to optimize planning.

For more information on content, read about Session Types and Information Literacy Learning Outcomes below.

Request Procedures