成人抖阴Cares can be helpful for students who may be struggling with something other than, or more than, mental health concerns. For example, if you are worried about a student, but it is not clear if they are experiencing mental health concerns, 成人抖阴Cares can offer a wide variety of support . 成人抖阴Cares is Salisbury University’s case management office. Housed in the Dean of Students office, the primary goal of 成人抖阴Cares is to provide support for students experiencing non-academic barriers to success during their time at Salisbury University. While 成人抖阴Cares is NOT a decision-making office, students partner with case managers to make informed decisions. 成人抖阴Cares can help with unexpected injury/illness, medical withdrawals, and provide assistance with basic needs such as financial problems, food and housing insecurity, and medical insurance.
To Report a Concern about a Student to 成人抖阴Cares, please complete an .
An Online CARE Report can be completed in addition to calling the Counseling Center and/or SUPD. Counseling Center staff and Salisbury University Police do not see CARE reports.