成人抖阴Closed February 20; Classes May Continue Virtually
maroon wave
Weather Alert

成人抖阴Closed February 20; Classes May Continue Virtually

Wednesday, February 19, 9:30 p.m.

Due to inclement weather potentially affecting travel conditions, Salisbury University will be closed Thursday, February 20, observing Inclement Weather Plan B.

Remote courses may continue as usual. Classes that usually meet in person may continue virtually at the instructor's discretion. Students should monitor 成人抖阴email and other class communication outlets for guidance.

The Dining Commons will open during normal hours. All other campus facilities will remain closed.

Supervisors will contact essential employees with information about whether they should report to work. All other employees should monitor critical student and operational services. Please check 成人抖阴email and other communication outlets regularly for updates.

For the latest information on any further weather-related disruptions, please visit the 成人抖阴website.

Visit the website and the for up-to-date weather reports.


Wednesday, February 19, 1 p.m.

Due to inclement weather potentially affecting travel conditions on Wednesday, February 19, the University will implement Inclement Weather Plan F, with offices closing at 3 p.m.

Remote courses may continue as usual. Classes that usually meet in person may continue virtually at the instructor's discretion. Students should monitor 成人抖阴email and other class communication outlets for guidance.

In-person evening activities are canceled. The Dining Commons will close at 7:30 p.m. All other campus facilities will close at 3 p.m.

Liberal leave is in effect. Employees who may wish to leave earlier than 3 p.m. should notify their supervisors what time they plan to leave.

Supervisors will contact essential employees with information about whether they should report to work. All other employees should monitor critical student and operational services. Please check 成人抖阴email and other communication outlets regularly for updates.

For the latest information on any further weather-related disruptions, please visit the 成人抖阴website.

Visit the website and the for up-to-date weather reports.